Victorian Explorer
Next trip:
Saturday 05 April 2025
Choose the places you want to visit and spend as much time there as you wish. The shuttle will pick up and drop off at no extra cost.
Entry fees to attractions (if any) are not included.
Bendigo is a city in Victoria, Australia, located in the Bendigo Valley near the geographical centre of the state and approximately 150 kilometres north-west of Melbourne, the state capital.
As of 2019, Bendigo had an urban population of just over 100,000, making it the fourth-most populous city in Victoria.
The discovery of gold on Bendigo Creek in 1851 transformed the area from a sheep station into one of colonial Australia's largest boomtowns. News of the finds intensified the Victorian gold rush, bringing an influx of migrants from around the world, particularly Europe and China. Bendigo became eastern Australia's largest 19th-century gold-mining economy and the wealth generated during this period is reflected today in the city's Victorian architectural heritage. From 1853 until 1891, Bendigo was officially named Sandhurst.
Over the 100-odd year period from 1851 to 1954, the 3,600-hectare area that made up the Bendigo gold field yielded 777 tonnes of gold.
Links to sites: The Great Stupa , Joss House Temple , Golden Dragon Museum , Sacred Heart Cathedral , Central Deborah GOLD MINE , Bendigo Pottery , Bendigo Historic Trams
8:35am 1st Pickup -
FEDERATION SQUARE - Cnr Flinders & Russell Streets Bus pickup zone
8:45am 2nd Pickup- bus stop at
361 QUEEN St cnr A'Beckett St (Queen Victoria Market end)
8:55am 3rd Pickup -FOOTSCRAY STATION South entrance Cnr Hyde & Bunbury Streets
Shuttle bus leaves Bendigo back to Melbourne at 4:00pm (approx)
Secure booking process handled by TryBooking making sure all sensitive information stays safe.
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